Edit Dialog Widgets ()
Each dialog consists of widgets for presenting the dialog fields to the user. Composum provides a number of widget types, ranging from simple text fields to file uploads, assets selectors and calendars. But of course, it is possible to extend these as needed, or develop new widgets.
Dialog example with various widget types
<%@page session="false" pageEncoding="utf-8" %>
<%@taglib prefix="cpp" uri="http://sling.composum.com/cppl/1.0" %>
<cpp:editDialog title="@{dialog.selector=='create'?'Create an iFrame':'Edit iFrame'}">
<cpp:widget label="Title" property="title" type="textfield" i18n="true"
hint="the optional title shown as the frames header"/>
<cpp:widget label="Frame Source" property="src" type="pathfield"
hint="the 'src' of the iframe - an external URL or a path in the repository"/>
<cpp:widget label="Service URI" property="serviceUri" type="textfield"
hint="an optional URI of a servlet prepended to the path in 'src'"/>
<cpp:widget label="Copyright" property="copyright" type="textfield" i18n="true"
hint="copyright notice if necessary or useful"/>
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-xs-3">
<cpp:widget label="Style" property="style" type="select"
options="simple,bordered,panel" default="simple"/>
<div class="col col-xs-3">
<cpp:widget label="Auto Height" property="mode" type="select" hint="calc rule"
options="body,elements" default="body"/>
<div class="col col-xs-3">
<cpp:widget label="Collapsed Height" property="height" type="textfield"/>
<div class="col col-xs-3">
<cpp:widget label="Expandable" property="expandable" type="checkbox"/>
Available dialog widget types
- assetfield
- checkbox
- checkselect
- clientlib
- codearea
- combobox
- datefield
- datetimefield
- dimension
- fileupload
- hidden
- iconcombobox
- imagefield
- linkfield
- multicheck
- multiselect
- multiwidget
- numberfield
- pathfield
- position
- radio
- radiolist
- richtext
- select
- slider
- static
- textarea
- textfield
- timefield
- videofield